
Christmas Traditions With The van der Walde’s

I love Christmas traditions, they bring so much comfort to the craziness of the holidays. These traditions and the Michigan snow make the airport lines worth it.


1.Christmas Eve service – Every year we remember what Christmas is truly about. Attending the Christmas Eve service is so special to our family. It is a time to focus on the real reason we are celebrating and away from all of the shopping craziness.

2.Baking Pies with Grandma– As I have gotten older quality time with my Grandmother has become more and more important. Ever since we were little girls baking pies with my Grandma has been a day long event. From pumpkin pie to Pecan the kitchen is suddenly transformed into a professional bakery.

3.Play Sequence–  Each night after dinner and dishes are finished we all grab some hot chocolate and play a competitive game of sequence. Nothing says Christmas more than working out the most cut throat strategy.

4.Homemade Chex Mix– I remember being ten years old and thinking there was no better meal in the whole world then my grandma’s homemade chex mix. You could find me eating and making chex mix around the clock. It is truly the breakfast of champions.

5.Barton Pre Eve Dinner– Dressing up and having a nice dinner together at Barton has become one of my favorite traditions. No one has to stress out over cooking the perfect meal or making sure the dog doesn’t steal the chicken. Instead we eat from a fabulous buffet and drink fruity cocktails.

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6.Christmas Day Brunch– We start the day with bubble loaf (also known as monkey bread) and end with mimosas. There is plenty of egg casserole and bacon to feed the family for weeks.

7.Remake of Thanksgiving Dinner– Christmas dinner is commonly known as Thanksgiving 2.0 in our household. My sisters, mom, grandma and I cook all day duplicating the perfect Thanksgiving dinner. Nothing is skipped or overlooked, especially the mashed potatoes.

8.Toll House Cookies are Required– These were my Dad’s favorite cookies growing up and still are to this day. No one can make them quite as good as my grandma but my sister’s and I are sure trying our best!

9.Turkey and Wild Rice Soup–  What better way to use up your turkey bones and leftovers? My dad makes the world’s best wild rice soup ever! Keep a look out for the recipe next week. I promise it will not disappoint.

10.Dad’s famous Quote– Every single Christmas dinner my Dad says, “this is the greatest meal! Why do we not do this more then twice a year?” A Christmas meal is not complete without my Dad saying this line half way through dinner. Every year it brings a smile to everyone’s face.


Being able to spend time with my family even though they are miles away is so close to y heart. What are some of your family’s favorite traditions? I would love to hear what makes your Christmas special!