
D.C. Day One 

I’ve been so excited for our weekend in D.C.! Not only because I get to spend roughly 72 hours with Aaron, but neither of us have explored Washington before. Aaron had all of the monuments and museums he wanted to visit planned out, I had all of my outfits planned accordingly. What can I say, opposites attract. 

 I landed in Washington around 10am on Friday. Aaron’s flight arrived closer to 9am, so he had plenty of time to “explore” the airport. It was pretty lucky that we were able to get flights around the same time flying to and from D.C. (Thank you Southwest!) Our first stop was the hotel to drop off our luggage and mentally prepare for the day ahead of us. 

As some of you may know, I just got over the flu a day before our trip. To be completely transparent, I was freaking out at the thought of having to cancel this weekend. This is a crazy busy time at work for both of us and I was afraid canceling would mean we wouldn’t see one another until March. Thanks to some VERY strong drugs I was able to make the trip! 

We spent our first day in D.C. exploring the capital, senate gallery and national library. The architecture here is absolutely beautiful! 

Majority of the time we see one another takes place on a trip to a different city, so we try and see as much as possible. After almost a year of long distance I would like to say we’re getting the hang of it all. Constantly checking flight and hotel deals have become our part time jobs. 

Related:   Aaron loves Jord more than me

The great thing about D.C. is that it’s completely free to visit all of the museums and monuments. You can pay for a guided tour, but they have so much information laid out for you it seems like a waste to pay. 

Our hotel (Club Quarters) is nothing crazy to rave about. But it is located less then 0.5 miles from the White House. The location itself makes up for its short comings. 

After walking what seemed like a thousand miles (Aaron informed me it was only 4 miles) we stopped for an early dinner near the capital. I would like to say we lived it up and partied all night in the city…. but that would be a total lie. We were asleep by 9pm and I have absolutely no regrets.