health, lifestyle


Tips on How to be Productive & Relaxed at the Same Time

Did you see the mother’s day gift guide?!

Happy Wednesday babes! I feel like I kind of failed with my posts last week… but going have 5 a week to 2 posts kind of evens out? Anyways, grab a cup of coffee and let’s talk about how to be productive & relaxed throughout the morning.

morning routine

I like to start each morning the exact same way, regardless if it’s 6am or 9am. With a cup of coffee, breakfast and our daily devotional. Not to sound like an addict, but there is something so amazing about a warm cup of coffee when you’re barely awake. Aaron and I actually start each morning like this together. Having 30 minutes with one another before the craziness of the world takes over has been SO important for our relationship.


After Aaron goes off to work I get my sweat on. Either at Victory Fitness Center or a cardio/resistance band workout at home. I never used to be a morning workout person, I have always LOVED sleeping and having a super lazy start to the day. About two months ago, I started working out in the morning and at first it was awful. I was exhausted and struggling to go to bed before 10pm. After sticking to my morning workouts for a month it finally started to become second nature. I now find, working out first thing in the morning helps to not only jump start my day but also put a fire under my productivity.

Once the gym is done, my day is packed with work and some more work. I love routine when it comes to my morning. I know what to expect, what to eat and how my body will react.

Related:   Living Room Makeover - Thanks to Bassett Furniture

How do you start your morning each day?


