health, lifestyle

Coffee Chats – A little Insight on My Health Journey

A little Insight on My Health Journey

Happy Thursday babes! Can y’all believe tomorrow is already Friday?! We are headed to Michigan tomorrow afternoon and I can’t wait to finalize the rest of our wedding plans. This week has been a whirlwind, that I promise to update you fully on in a couple of weeks! But, today I wanted to share a little bit more about my health journey. Where it started (throw back to 10 years old) and what it looks like today.

Instead of writing 1,000 words that you will most likely skim over. I wanted to share this journey with you all through video. I hope that regardless of where you’re currently at in your health journey, you’re doing something that brings happiness to your life.



My health journey has been a roller coaster for the past six years, and I’m SO thankful I’ve finally figured out that it doesn’t have to be that way. That you can live a healthy lifestyle, be present in your relationships and still hit your wellness goals.

I would love to help you break the cycle that I lived in for so many years. You deserve to feel your absolute best, mentally and physically. So, if you’re ready to start down this journey together or want some additional information, click here to get started!

