
Afternoon Rosé Chats- Comparison 

Every morning and night I open up Instagram and see perfect images of people’s lives. Finding myself envious of someone’s weekend trip to Mexico. Or wondering how this woman in LA lives a fairytale picture perfect life. Everyday we are told that there is someone out there doing it better, bigger and all the while they are living a happier life.

So what are we supposed to do? Delete Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter? Block out the entire world to avoid feeling like we are missing something? Because after all we must be doing something wrong if our everyday life does not not look picture perfect. 

My life is messy. Half of the time my hair hasn’t been brushed in days, my make up has been thrown on and I’m lucky if I’m wearing the same pair of socks. Does this mean the life I am living is subpar? Or that I am missing this magical key to being absolutely and perfectly put together? 

I wish I had a concrete answer for you all on how to appear perfect at all times. But sadly I do not have anything close to that. 

All I know is that comparison is the root of all evil. Once we start comparing our lives to the lives of others we will never be fully satisfied or thankful. The truth is, someone will always have a nicer car, a bigger house and a better job. The sooner we accept this the better off our lives will be.

So, should we delete every social media platform and run away to a secluded island? No matter how lovely that might sound, that seems a little extreme and is not necessary. And lets be honest, you will probably become lonely and bored after a few weeks. Before you throw your hands up and say that you’ve had enough I have a few tips that might help to keep everything in perspective.

  • What you see on Instagram is the best version of someone’s life. They are putting out only what they want you to see. 
  • Half of the time people are using old photos to create an image on their feed. As a blogger I do this from time to time. We call them stock photos, they are used to create a flow and make our Instagram profile look more appealing.
  • Take social media for what it is, a tool. It is a powerful tool that can connect people from across the world, help you discover new companies and expand your own business.
Related:   Kyoot


When it is all said and done we only have one life to live, are you really going to spend it comparing yourself to someone else’s social media? Seems like a waste of talent and energy when there is so much more to experience in this life.