
Afternoon Rosé- Patience 

Hi loves!

I’m not really sure what happened yesterday… but I completely blanked, before I knew it Wednesday was over and my rosé chats had come and gone 😅 The upside to being in charge is that I can pretend like today is Wednesday and I have my life together!

Recently there has been one common theme in my life – patience.

Have you ever felt like you have so many plans for yourself and all you can think about is jumping ahead? That’s pretty much where I have been the past six months. And let me tell you, it’s not fun.

Patience with my own life and expectations has always been difficult.

It’s easy for me to have patience with those around me, but when it comes to myself I suddenly have nothing. It’s like all the patience my body has stored up disappears and I’m left stressing out over the smallest things. Sound familiar to anyone?

Some people will argue that my lack of patience comes from technology. Or this instant gratification world/mentality we live in. I politely disagree.

My lack of patience has always seemed to stem from my desire to constantly be moving forward. I have a hard time being comfortable and complacent. Which creates this zero self patience mentality, and it’s truly insane.

Yes, we should always be growing and striving for more. But it’s so important to learn to be okay with each stage of life. I’ve missed out on so many small things in the past due to this. Sometimes we really get so caught up in rushing forward that we miss out on small beautiful moments.

Related:   Swimsuit Dreams

So what do we do? How can you change your own mentality that you’ve had for twenty plus years? Is this even possible?

Personally I’ve had to remind myself every single day to take a breather. It’s easier said than done, but it helps SO much. The other major aspect is believing that everything happens on its own timing. Whenever I’ve tried to force something to fit MY timeline it’s never worked. I can look back on my short life and see that everything really did happen for a reason.

Patience is hard, and it’s something I’m sure I’ll continue to struggle with. But remembering that everything is temporary helps to ease the craziness.