
Q&A with LoriBeth

Happy Friday lovelies!

A few months ago I explained why I loved Flywheel so much. You can find this post here, if you’d like some background before reading this Q&A.

I am so very excited to introduce you all to one of my favorite FlyBarre instructors! I have been taking Lori Beth’s  Fly45 and Fly60 classes for about eight months now.


Let’s jump in!

Q: How did you first hear about FlyBarre?

LB: I grew up in Atlanta but had just moved back to the city from DC, and was looking for a place to workout that did not involve a treadmill (my nemesis ).  I started taking Wheel class and then made my way across the hall to the Barre room for a class with Christie Moquin.  I was hooked my first workout!  (And, many years later, Christie’s class still kicks my butt!) 

Q: How long have you been teaching barre? 

LB: I was hired into training in February 2013, and started teaching late that summer.   I teach 3 formats – our signature format, Power 45 and FlyBarre Sport (a combo of cardio and strength training).   I was a competitive co-ed cheerleader at Georgia Tech (seems like forever ago) and spent tons of time with strength and conditioning coaches during that time, so I came in to training with a strong foundation.     


Q: What does an average day look like for you? 

LB: This is a tough question at the moment!  In addition to my role as a FlyBarre instructor, I work on a reduced schedule as an in-house attorney at Southern Company Services, the shared services company for The Southern Company.   My infant son just turned 3 months old, and although I was back from maternity leave at Flywheel after 6 weeks, I am just getting back into the ropes of lawyering!  Almost every day – despite my schedule and even on weekends – I start with an early morning workout.  I alternate between FlyBarre and Stellar Bodies, a Lagree fitness studio which also has an amazing instructor team.  I workout before Wills wakes up, so I do not feel guilty about leaving him, and it is before I start getting peppered with work emails!   I end the day chatting over dinner and a glass of wine with my husband.  Sometimes we eat later than we would like – we try to finish work, emails, playlists, chores, and put our son to bed so we can really focus on catching up with each other and relaxing a bit!  

Between my workout and dinner, anything goes!  During weekdays, I’m in the office several days and Fridays are my days off for time with my son.  I teach at various times, but all of my classes are around my son’s schedule, so that I can be with him as much as possible.  When I’m assisting with FlyBarre training, I have been known to bring Wills in to nap on a back mat during a practice class!!!  


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Q: A balanced lifestyle is something people always encourage and I am a strong believer in. How do you juggle it all — between work, working out, teaching class, your family and socializing — how do you do it all?

LB: Multiple large cups of coffee a day.  And keep a closet’s worth of shoes, clothes and baby gear in your car so you are prepared for anything.   (You probably do not want to ask me for a ride anywhere anytime soon.) 

In all seriousness, at the beginning of each week I sit down with a planner and block off chunks of time for the most important things – family, church, work, a daily workout – and then fill in the blanks with the rest.   I actually block time off on my calendar and I make myself stick to it.   Sometime there is more time for “extras” and some time there just isn’t, but it works out because you are getting in what is most important to you.    

My goal for 2017 is to try to block some time for rest.  I’m really bad about taking time to relax – which is also really important.  I’m (gradually) learning to say “no”.  I’m horrible about it, but having my son has made it easier because I want to be with him! 


Q: When it comes to your diet, what’s your motto? 

LB: I’m one of those everything in moderation people… I cannot stick with a diet that makes a lot of things off limits or is complicated.  I am conscious about how much “junk food” I eat and when making food choices, I generally pick the healthier alternative – for example, I’ll use greek yogurt instead of sour cream or mayonnaise, opt for tomato sauce over cream sauce, and pick grilled over fried foods.  I don’t drink soft drinks and generally avoid sweets.  That said, I cannot pass up a french fry and my weakness is any sort of southern-style salad – pasta, chicken, egg – made with a predominant dose of mayo.    I just try not to indulge all the time!    


Q: What would you tell someone contemplating taking their first FlyBarre class? 

LB: Prepare to be challenged – FlyBarre is designed to fatigue and exhaust your muscles and is very effective at doing just that!  With that said, you will be challenged in a safe, accessible environment.  I assist with FlyBarre training and we thoroughly train all of our instructors in meaningful hands-on corrections and giving personalized feedback.  We want to know each pulser and his/her challenges and fitness goals.  We offer exercise modifications to reach all fitness levels.   


Q: What do you love most about FlyBarre? 

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Can I pick two?!  (1) The variety – Our creative team keeps it fresh and challenging – they continually train us on new content and ways to deliver our signature format.  Plus, in Atlanta we teach four other specialty formats – Sport (cardio-infused and my personal favorite – inserting a shameless plug to come to my Sport class on Fridays at 6 AM in Midtown!), Tone & Stretch, Power 45 (a condensed version of our signature format and extremely popular with our ATL pulsers), and Arms & Abs.   This variety keeps it interesting – even after years of teaching, I take 2-4 classes per week – and keeps muscles challenged.  (2) The community – I’ve seen many clients meet in class and not only continue to take class together, but become tight friends outside of the studio.  I’ve also seen professional networks develop among clients.  Personally, I have close friends and professional (legal) mentors that I met in the barre room.  We are also such a close instructor and staff team.  I got married, changed legal jobs, had a baby – and my #flyfam (clients, fellow instructors and staff) has been there every step of the way!  It’s hard to explain, but if you walk in the studio, you’ll get it!  


Q: It seems women are so defined by their body and body image these days. What words of encouragement would you give the ladies who feel like their weight defines their worth? 

LB: I know this topic is more complicated than I can address in a paragraph – but, at the simplest level, I would encourage ALL of us to get off the scale.  As a fitness professional, I can attest that weight is truly a number and is not the only indicator of good health or fitness.  I coach FlyBarre challenges (where clients commit to X number of classes per week) and I see clients lose inches and gain muscle tone but actually go up on the scale.  I also recommend finding a workout – whatever it is – that you enjoy.  There is lots of science that says that exercise boosts mood and encourages a healthier diet.  I love group fitness classes like FlyBarre because of the accountability – I have to sign up for class.  Also, with group fitness, I know the instructor will give me an effective and efficient workout and I do not have to think about it (unless I’m teaching!) and I can just show up and have fun!