lifestyle, Wedding

Shredding for the Wedding Week 2 Update- Lose Weight Healthy

Let’s Lose Weight Healthy!

Did you see the last Shredding for the Wedding update?
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Happy Friday lovelies! Who’s ready for the weekend? I feel like every Monday I tell myself to just enjoy the week and every Friday I live for the weekend. Such a typical cycle I tell you! For this week’s update, I really want to focus on how to lose weight healthy. Everywhere you turn there is a new weight loss supplement or fat burner that will shed the pounds in seconds. I really wish I would have started sharing more about my fitness and health journey last year. It’s been something that I stay pretty private about, due to so many factors. The main factor, insecurity. But I’m glad I was challenged to share this journey with you all!

Last week’s workouts went great! I felt stronger and motivated after each workout. Which was a huge jump in the right direction. Here’s a quick little video of some of the workouts I did last week!


Fast forward to this week and I’m not doing the best. Between anxiety and work stress, my mind felt like it was in a mental fog. My body felt slow and run down, which is not the best combination for trying to workout. This week I only did 3 workouts and unfortunately did not record any of them. Because like I said earlier, my head was just not there. Typically Kathie likes to focus on a heavy weight lifting Friday morning, but y’all it was everything for me to life 15 pounds above my head. RIDICULOUS.

Related:   Shredding for the Wedding Update 3 - Let's Talk Nutrition

foam rollers

There was some good news this week though! I’m already down 6 pounds since starting this journey. Which, if we’re being honest was shocking! Especially for someone who has struggled with their weight for the last two years. To give you all some reference, I’m 5’9” and my body holds the weight gain in my hips and face.

Weight: 185lb
Weight: 179

I haven’t really changed my diet since starting 3 weeks ago. The only change has been weight lifting consistently each week. Overall I’ve made small changes in my diet like, I haven’t been drinking during the week and I’m making an effort to stick to veggies and protein throughout the week. It has been a great feeling to see the scale go down, even with a vacation thrown in there.

I’m excited to start Monday with an RX group class at 6am and set the tone for the upcoming week. Sometimes rough weeks happen and that’s okay. I’m proud of the small accomplishments and that I still made it to the gym 3 times this week.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Sometimes it’s okay to go through the motions when you’re exhausted. Just keep showing up and listen to your body. #fitness #healthyliving ” quote=”Sometimes it’s okay to go through the motions when you’re exhausted. Just keep showing up and listen to your body. #fitness #healthyliving ” theme=”style2″]

Monday I’ll be taking my measurements to see how many inches I’ve lost so far. Something I learned from working with Victory Fitness Center and Kathie before, was how important tracking your inches is. You might not see the scale change immediately, but lifting heavy weights helps to shed those inches!

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My goal is to put up another update post next week! So fingers crossed this happens and I have some exciting results to share with you all.

