lifestyle, travel

Tips for Beating the Vacation Hangover

Happy Tuesday babes! This summer Aaron and I have a trip almost every month, and with all of that travel comes a whole lot of vacation hangover. You heard me right, vacation hangover is real and if you’re not prepared the entire week after a trip can feel like a complete loss.

How to Prevent the Vacation Hangover:
  1. Rest: Vacations are for resting, right? Wrong! After a vacation your body is completely out of sync. Maybe you were in a different time zone, or maybe you partied your little heart out. Either way, it’s very likely you didn’t get the rest your body needed. TIP – I never schedule any meetings for the 48hrs following a vacation. Give yourself some time to get back into the swing of your routine.
  2. Nutrients: I kind of go big or go home while on vacation… which means the day back from all the fun can be a little rough. I start my morning off with a large glass of water, Kombucha and a nutrient packed breakfast. Think protein, fiber and healthy fats! TIP – Don’t go on a crash diet after your vacation. Who cares that you ate a little too much, drank too much wine and ate late night. Spend your recovery time giving your body a dose of the protein, fat and carbs that it needs.
  3. Exercise: Nothing feels better then kicking the day off with some movement! Even if you only go for a walk, get that blood flowing. You’ve been sitting around and probably didn’t workout a bunch on your vacation. Spend some time upping those endorphins!
  4. Hydrate: Y’all know that I am a huge fan of water. First thing in the morning and last thing at night it is always by my side. Unfortunately with all of the traveling it can take longer for your body to feel hydrated. TIP – add a packet of Liquid IV or Drip Drop to your water for a quicker hydration recovery.

What are your tips for preventing the dreaded vacation hangover?

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