Blogging Tips

Blogging Tips – How to Gain Traffic & Attract IG Followers

Website Growth & Attract IG Followers

If you’re looking to start a blog, make sure to check out my first blogging tips post. 

Happy Tuesday babes! We are having the such a cold and sunny day over here. Which is seriously my ideal start to the day, because FALL is life 🙌🏼 ANYWAYS! Let’s get to the good stuff, and the main reason why you’re here. I’ve been receiving a lot of messages recently in regards to your blog’s website growth, and how to grow your Instagram followers.

Before we jump into it all, I’ve got to say one little disclaimer. Just because something has worked for me, does not mean it’ll 100% work for you. I’ve been blogging for about 2 years now and finally feel like I’ve hit my groove. This is a constantly changing industry, so doing everything you can to learn and stay up on the trends will ultimately help in the long run.


Website Traffic

This is something that I struggled with for the first year of blogging. I was still trying to figure out SEO and how to actually rank within google searches. Attracting traffic to your website will not happen overnight. But with a little help from SEO & Pinterest you’ll start to see those numbers roll in.

Where to start

Pinterest is a straight goldmine. I have gone through phases of using it over the past 2 years for my blog, and every time I put some effort into it the numbers immediately spike. When I started receiving messages about growing your website traffic, I realized that I had not been using Tailwind to optimize my growth for months. What can I say, running other people’s marketing has really had me slacking on my own.

I would suggest signing up for a free trial with Tailwind. This will allow you to plan out all of your Pinterest posts for the week. So instead of playing catch up, you are only spending an hour or two at the beginning and letting Tailwind take care of it from there.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It can seem extremely overwhelming and straight up confusing when you first start messing about with it. In a nutshell, this is an extremely effective way to help your blog posts, photos and website rank higher in search engines. I make sure that every post, photo and Pinterest pin is SEO rich before hitting publish. If you use WordPress, I highly suggest using the Yoast Plugin for optimizing your blog posts. It’s simple to use and allows you to check every post before it goes live! They also have a bunch of training guides to help make the SEO process simple and effective for your business.


Instagram Growth

It seems like everywhere you turn people are talking about growing their Instagram. From tips and tricks, to company’s that promise follower growth overnight it can all get a little confusing. My Instagram account is currently just over 11,100 followers, so I am NO expert by any means. But I can tell you how I’ve grown my account to this point so far.

Consistency has been a HUGE key when it comes to Instagram growth. I post 2 times a day (minus the weekends) to my Instagram feed. Once at 11:15am and the second between 7:15pm and 8pm. All of my posts have been geotagged, brands in the photos have been tagged and I make sure my hashtags are applicable to the photo. About 70% of my photos are pre-planned for the week, but the captions are always written right in the moment.

Instagram stories have been a HUGE source of growth over the past year. This is a great place to show people your personality, connect on another level, tag your location and provide additional value to your followers. I’ve created coffee stories, post workout hair stories and clothing hauls that have brought in a decent amount of followers. This is always a fun way to share your city’s local gems with everyone!

Related:   So You Want To Start A Blog - 5 things I wish I would've known

Provide value to those who follow you. When someone watches your Instagram story or clicks on one of your photos, what value are you providing them? Last year I became really stuck on this question. I did not feel like I was providing a kind of value that someone couldn’t find elsewhere. My biggest advice when it comes to this, make sure you are constantly re-evaluating your content but not being paralyzed by it.

Giveaways, when done correctly can be a great source for gaining followers. Over the past 2 years, I have done a handful of giveaways with other fashion or lifestyle bloggers. The only type of giveaway I will take part in, is one that is organized by fellow bloggers and does not have over 10 girls involved. I want to make sure that the followers I’m gaining are real accounts, and they’re girls who are interested in following bloggers.

This blog post has been one of the most requested posts for months now! I hope this was a helpful overview on how to grow your website and Instagram in an effective way. If you have any additional questions, I do offer marketing chats. These are either a 30 or 60 minute phone call, where I examine your social media accounts and website. We talk in more detail about how to optimize your brand’s growth and I am able to answer specific questions for you.

If you’re interested in learning more about my marketing chats, click here!


