
Realistic Dream Wedding- Expectations vs. Reality

Realistic Dream Wedding- Expectations vs. Reality

Did you read my last post? You can find it here! 

Happy Wednesday loves! I’m so excited to announce that I partnered with Zola to create our wedding registry. You can read all the details and find out why I’m loving it on my Instagram here! With all the wedding planning that I’m currently wrapped up in, I’ve had to take a step back and remember what is important. Searching through Pinterest and seeing all these beautiful weddings really makes it hard to plan a realistic dream wedding.

The moment we started planning it felt like every vendor raised their price 50%, when they heard it was for a wedding. I had always heard how expensive it was to have a wedding, and I was that girl who said she wouldn’t get wrapped up in silly details. Well fast forward a month into planning and I wanted that Pinterest dream wedding. Flowers busting out of the seams, twinkle lights around every corner and a designer dress. I wanted control over every detail, to the point where I was forgetting to take a step back and enjoy our engagement. We were a month into our engagement and I had 70% of the wedding planned… hello crazy lady.

See the moment I became wrapped up in having a top notch wedding, was the moment I forgot the true reason and meaning behind our wedding. I was more focused on planning an Instagram worthy wedding, then I was on our future marriage. Hello gut check.

So for the girl who is currently struggling with planning her own realistic dream wedding, know it is okay. It’s okay to compromise what you think you want, for something less pricey. You will still be a beautiful bride no matter the price of your dress. And at the end of the day you are starting your life with the man God hand picked for you. Now that is something Pinterest worthy!

Related:   Shredding for The Wedding - Week 1 Update

If you missed my Instagram post from last night, find it here! There have been some amazing conversations and words of encouragement/tips from married ladies.


