health, lifestyle, Wedding

Shredding for the Wedding Update 3 – Let’s Talk Nutrition

Let’s Talk Nutrition

Did you see the last Shredding for the Wedding update?
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Happy Wednesday babes! I am so excited to share the latest update with you all on how my fitness/health progress is going. To get a little more specific, let’s talk nutrition and how to fix zone in on that ish. You all may have seen on my Instagram story last week and so far this week, that I was sharing a little more about my nutrition journey. It kind of hit me last week how close we are to the wedding…. and to be totally transparent, my body is NOT where I would like it to be. Not for a lack of working out, it’s more because I just love pizza and thought I had zero self control.

Through this nutrition journey I’ve learned a few things
  • I actually have self control, a lot of it. During my first week of eating differently Aaron decided to eat pizza, ice cream, pretzels, Taco Bell and Wendy’s all in front of me.
  • I was not eating enough of the correct foods.
  • My diet was about 40% clean and 60% not. Funny thing is if you would have asked me 2 weeks ago what my diet looked like, I would have described the opposite.
  • Eating before a workout is CRUCIAL
 Let’s talk nutrition – What Does an Average Day of Meals Look like?

I eat 6 small meals, that are timed throughout the day. I’m eating 4 servings of vegetables, 3 of fruit, complex carbs, healthy fats and protein. Oh, and a WHOLE lot of water! My favorite meal, and this is not joke is lunch meat, cucumbers and sweet potato. Weird I know, but for some reason I CRAVE lunch meat on the regular. Other than that strange lunch meat addiction, I haven’t really had any crazy cravings. Even with Aaron eating all my favorite junk foods in front of me.

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I have a shake everyday that is packed with nutrition and straight superfoods. You can find the exact one here! It’s been amazing for controlling my cravings and really something I look forward to every single day.


I have been using a preworkout supplement and actually love it. Honestly I’ve tried SO many different ones over the years and this is the first that doesn’t leave me shaking or dizzy. Yes, some of those preworkouts out there have literally made my whole world spin. Insane.


I follow up my workout with a protein shake. It’s nothing life changing since I’m using only water, but it tastes great and does the trick!

Where’s the Fitness At?

Even though my nutrition has done a complete 180, my fitness routine has stayed pretty close to the same.

Monday: 6am RX Class at Victory Fitness Center 
Tuesday: online at home workout
Wednesday: RX class
Thursday: Personal training with Kathie Brown Fitness
Friday: online at home workout

Saturday and Sunday always varies between working out in the gym, online or an active rest day. Even though my workout schedule is the same, that does not mean they are any less challenging. I feel like I’ve honestly been improving in each one, and building muscle along the way. Another big win, has to be that instead of feeling like I’m about to die 10mins into the workout, I made it a sold 15mins before death creeps over.


These results are a little hard for me to share with you all today. I honestly had a reality check with myself 2 weeks ago when it came to my diet. I realized that I was not supplying my body with the proper food, hence why my results were not where I wanted them to be.

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I talked with my trainer, Kathie this morning about where I wanted to be before the wedding. We are officially 108 days away from the big day. Which is so exciting, but also scary since I personally have goals I don’t feel close to crushing. Kathie came up with a plan of attack, so do not worry! This plan involves a little extra working out, following a timed nutrition plan to the second, no alcohol and no cheat meal until the bachelorette weekend. If there’s anytime for me to be completely dedicated to a fitness and nutrition plan, the time is now!

My Favorite Workout Gear


I’d love to hear if you’re on a fitness journey and how it’s going!

