
Tech Neck

Happy Monday lovelies!


Remember when we were all stressing and worrying about carpal tunnel? Well that is so last year, and the new worry is all about tech neck. I discovered some lines on my neck a few weeks ago and couldn’t stand the way they looked. I also was curious why they were forming, so I  immediately started researching where these could be coming from.

Which led me straight to tech neck.


What is Tech Neck? 

Tech neck forms small lines on the front of your neck, these come from looking down at your phone or computer. The condition is caused by repeatedly craning your head down and forward to look at a screen, applying excess pressure–up to 50 pounds–on bones and muscle meant to handle only 10-12 pounds (the head’s weight at neutral). It can feel like a strain at the neck, stiffness in the shoulders, might result in headaches, and can do worse damage to the spine over time.

More and more millennials are stuck at desk jobs or constantly starring at their cellphones. So it’s pretty impossible to avoid tech neck, right?

3 Easy steps to avoid Tech Neck

  1. Baby Cobra
  2. Upward Facing Dog
  3. NIA products


Baby cobra and Upward facing dog are great yoga exercises to prevent tech neck. I’ve started implementing these into my nightly routine, anything to help the fight against tech neck!

NIA stands for “Not into Aging.” These products were created by millennials and work amazing at smoothing out the tech neck lines!

Here are a few of my NIA faves:


Related:   Smile Brilliant- Professional teeth whitening at home

Another thing to remember when it comes to tech neck, moisturizing your neck daily is so important. We often forget to apply lotion to our necks, but simply remembering this can help decrease the lines on your neck as well.


