
Let’s Talk: Health & Body Image

Health & Body Image: How to love your Body without Worshiping Your Image

Did you read Friday’s Post? You can find it here!

Happy Monday babes! This weekend was such a busy one, I’m already ready for the weekend.  I really wanted to talk more about health & body image struggles. Ever since I can remember there has always been something about my body I disliked. And when talking with other ladies, it’s become so apparent that body image is something most of us struggle with.

The most distinct body image memory I have was when I was a sophomore in high school. It was Christmas time and like every year my mom wanted to take pictures of my sisters and I all dressed up. I had spent the previous days overindulging in my Grandma’s cookies and homemade chex mix. Throughout the whole photo shoot I felt awkward. Awkward in my body, my clothes and ultimately talked myself into a black hole of self hate. I remember crying that night after seeing the pictures. In my mind I looked fat and didn’t understand why I couldn’t look more like my younger sisters.

This self hate view sadly did not stop there. Even when I was at my absolute thinnest in life, there were still things about myself I hated. Yes, I was a size 2 but my thighs were still too large and my arms were not tone enough. My weight and view of myself has always been a constant struggle. I’m sure I could blame this one being a chubby kid, or maybe I just have an insecure personality.


God not only loves you very much but also has put His hand on you for something special. 1 Thessalonians 1:4

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So how do we move past this body image self hate? How can we find a healthy medium between focusing on our health & body image, without becoming obsessed? Well we definitely can not do it alone. Whether you are able to join a small group or our online community, seeking other girls to help encourage you through whatever stage of life you currently find yourself in is so important.


For you formed my inward parts; 
 you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

God started putting you together stitch by stitch when you were still in your mother’s stomach. He gave you your nose, your laugh, your body type, your quirks and your sparkling eyes. God didn’t just make you – He made you wonderfully. Whenever I read this verse I have to take a step back. The parts of my physical body that I hate, God loves. How can I love something that God created?


For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

We are God’s masterpieces. Not His sketches, not His doodles, not His rough drafts. We are God’s very best work comparable to masterpieces as breathtakingly beautiful as the “Venus de Milo” and “Mona Lisa”. If God sees us as His priceless creations, His works of art He has toiled over creating until we are exactly how He wants us to look, why would we want to change our appearances? Why would we want to be any different than we are?

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At the end of the day my body image struggles are a heart problem. When I am focused on myself and put value on what OTHERS may think about my outward image, it’s a downward spiral. I hope when you feel self doubt and unworthiness creep into your mind this week you take a moment and reflect on the verses above. Because regardless if your hair is a mess or you haven’t lost those extra 10lbs yet, you’ve been wonderfully and beautifully made.


