health, lifestyle

Take me to the Butcher Shop

Happy Tuesday lovelies!

Hope y’all are having a great start to the week, Monday’s and Tuesday’s are always so rough… Let’s be real. But today has been kind of a good one, mostly because it’s Tuesday and we’re almost halfway through the week! Sunday night I prepped breakfast and lunch for the week and honestly it has made for a much healthier and cost effective week so far! When I lived in Atlanta I had a pretty strict routine, and by strict, I mean I was super lame. Monday-Thursday I worked, took a flybarre class, went home and was in bed by 8:30pm. Yeah….. I was that cool. Since moving to Columbus life has been all over the place. Between moving, travels, blogging and starting a new job my routine has been anything but routine.

 Since I felt like I was on a roll, I decided to sign up for an unlimited two weeks at The Butcher Shop yesterday.  Honestly, I’ve been needing to kick myself into gear for a few months now. It’s just way too easy to make excuses when life gets crazy, but enough is enough. I finally reached my, “something has to change or I’ll keep finding myself on the couch with wine” point. So, as of yesterday I will be taking a Pilates class a day at The Butcher Shop every day for the next two weeks. Fingers crossed I make it through, I’m sure come Friday morning I’ll be on the struggle bus and unable to feel my legs. But, go big or go home.

 I’ve had a few questions from folks about the Butcher Shop and how their classes work. I’m still VERY new and honestly only know about 20% of how they operate. But I thought it would be fun to let y’all know how I feel halfway through the two weeks and then on day fourteen.

How the Classes Work

These are group classes (they also offer one on one’s) and everyone is on a reformer machine. This machine was very intimidating for me the first time, there are so many straps and gadgets I thought I would be forever lost. After creeping on the girl next to me I started to get “somewhat” of a hang of it. The instructor walks around the room explaining and calling out the next move, she is also adjusting you when needed. You use multiple different straps, resistance and move between sitting and standing.

Related:   Brunch and Munch 

The Butcher Shop offers different classes from: Arms & Abs, 40 min full body, 30 min classes and a butt & legs class.

I love that they offer different types and forms of Pilates classes throughout the week, helps to keep it fresh and allow you to do a different class everyday. 

Is it A Good Workout?

YES YES YES! I was drenched in sweat during and after both of my classes. I don’t care what anyone says, you are using so many muscles throughout the class and there is not a true “rest” or “break” so you are constantly burning. Each movement exhausts a specific muscle to the point it’s shaking, hello burn. This is how you are supposed to start seeing the changes throughout your body. Either way, it worked to result in me wobbling home.

What Should I do Before a Class?

My first class was a full body, 60 minute class that totally had me begging for mercy. Y’all I was wildly unprepared and seriously thought I was going to blackout halfway through. Yesterday I did the arms and abs 45 minute class and prepared myself ahead of time. I ate a fully balanced breakfast, lunch, snack and drank about 3/4th a gallon of water. I am not a nutritionist, but to give you a better idea this is what my meals looked like: 

Breakfast: Breakfast burrito

·   Gluten free tortilla

·   Two scrambled eggs

·   Breakfast sausage

·   1/2 slice of swiss cheese

Lunch: 4oz grilled chicken and Quinoa/brown rice mixture from Costco

Snack: Perfect bar

It’s amazing how much better I felt throughout the class! Don’t get me wrong, it was still SUPER challenging and such a great workout. The difference this time, no blackout feeling. After class I ate a dinner of grilled chicken, green beans and quinoa kale mix. My body was clearly in need of some nutrients, because it felt stronger throughout the class and less sore today. I’m still sore and definitely got an awesome workout, I just don’t feel like I’m unable to use my legs.

Does The Butcher Shop Have Any Promos? 

Related:   Fly Away With Me 

Yes! If you are a new client your first class is $15 which is pretty average for boutique fitness centers. Right now they have a 2 week unlimited (* 1 class a day limit) package for new clients. It costs $79 which ends up costing you $5.64 a class if you take 14 over the two weeks.

I hope you all give either the Butcher Shop Fitness or another Pilates class a try! They’re great for everyone, especially if you’re like myself and have back injuries. Let me know if you give Pilates a try, or if you have in the past! 

***this is not a sponsored post.